This week we started a new theme, "my body". We have talked about the skeleton, the muscles and our veins. There has been a great focus on privacy for our body, that my body is my body and nobody is allowed to look or touch us without our permission.
Temabord: kroppen vår Theme table: Our body |
Vi tegner våre hender / we draw our hands
One of the activities this week was tracing around your own hand. I explained the task and showed all of the children how we could do this, and some examples on extra things they could draw on like nails, nailpolish, rings etc. For some of the children this was a very difficult task, but for most of them it seemed like they thought it was great fun.
Våre fotavtrykk / Our foot prints
Denne uka lagde vi også fotavtrykk i maling som skulle bli gave til teacher Christel:)<3 Når slike aktiviteter skal gjennomføres er det viktig med god struktur siden de vanligvis bare har en lærer på ca 20 barn. Derfor gjorde vi det slik at en av oss var inne med halve barnegruppa og den andre var ute å hjalp barna med fotavtrykkene.This week we also made foot prints in paint, as a present for teacher Christel:)<3 When they do activities like this it is very important that the prosess is very structured as they normally just have one teacher with about 20 children. That is why we split up, one of us was inside with half of the group of children and the other one was outside helping the children with their foot prints.
Det har selvfølgelig også vært tid til mye morro og lek denne uka:)
Of course there has also been some time for alot of fun and playing this week:)
Piknik i hagen:) Picnic in the garden:) |
Årets lek: Begrave føttene til teacher Christel i sandkassen, hver dag! The game of the year: Bury teacher Christels feet in the sandpot, every day! |
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